'Good art provides inspirations, brilliant art brings about changes'
Hans Kalliwoda
The World in a Shell - polliniferous project (WiaS) can be conceived of as a ship sailing on land. Polliniferous is a biology term that describes collection and distribution of pollen. The polliniferous aspect of the project is a metaphor for intellectual cross fertilisation. Pollination refers to the practical mechanisms and processes that occur in all stages of the development of WiaS and in the activities still to be undertaken.
In a broader sense WiaS is a mobile artist studio, a multi-media laboratory that facilitates intercultural swap-shopping activities, where there is no energy-infrastructure available. As an intervention project it focuses on developments rather than on pre-conceived results. In other words, it's not the arrival; it's the road that matters.
WiaS functions as an interactive communication zone to facilitate a 'self-documentation' of the people and their living conditions and gradually turns into the first living and mobile world heritage site. The locations of its placements are in areas inhabited by indigenous peoples in the proximity of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
The essence of everything that happens, whether experienced, imagined or created in and around the shell, will be captured and stored in a treasure box in the form of 'unica', (pictures, drawings, recordings, stories, self-representations and photos). The treasure box will be shown to the people on the next location and is an integral part of the exhibitions in musea and on biennales.
The project focuses on interaction, involvement, communication and is a multidisciplinary form of collaboration and partaking. As a Walk-in-sculpture at exhibitions a concept is developed to draw people into situations, where they in the processes become part of the project and the art-work itself.
'The World in a Shell initiates a process of integration, cross-cultural or otherwise, to engender further creative impulses and intellectual cross-pollination through storytellings'.
The aims of the project on locations
- Humbly counteracting western or any other culture-imperialism by celebrating human cultural diversity.
Singular and nomadic, the World in a Shell serves as an inter-cultural 'swap-shop'.
- Portraying local individuals by facilitating 'self-documentation', which should breakdown prejudices and intercultural barriers, trying
to work out the common grounds and thus creating curiosities and respect for distant people and their fate.
- Providing new impulses to develop long-lasting solutions for daily problems and contribute to the
communication between local people, artists, scientists and others.
- Implementing the World in a Shell project as a platform to establish worldwide
personal connections and knowledge transFAIR.
The aims of the project on exhibitions
- Pursuing an exciting and variegated presentation form and create a framework for an unconventional endeavour.
- Test new exhibition and mediation formats leading up to new models for exhibition making that are relevant to our time.
- Develop new strategies of presenting and mediating art.
- Inspire fresh ways of seeing and contextualizing contemporary art.
The following aims and objections in the research and design phase
have been achieved!
- Developing an autarkic and ecologically friendly living and working unit.
- Creating synergy and stimulate intellectual cross-pollination.
- Implement and enhance a cross-faculty educational process within the TUDelft with Inter-disciplinary projects,
which expands understanding and multiply the experiences of students involved.
- By exchanging different visions with each other, raise awareness and find potential and practical solutions.
- Providing a new vision on sustainability and practise it.
Related links:
Film: Pollen makes history
Film: Who is Ute Meta Bauer |
presentation TU Delft
Engineering meeting DelftTech and work discussion with students
Exhibition situation