"This ability of creative people to connect with "long tail" audiences may prove vital in helping to make the transitions which face us over the next couple decades. We need a lot more innovation, after all. Almost all innovation, whether technological or cultural, springs from the concerns of what are initially a very small group of people (at least relatively speaking). Reporting key bits oinformation, delivering fresh and useful perspectives and connecting people with shared concerns is a vital part of the process - and a job for which independent journalists and artists are particularly well suited. Indeed, increasingly, these circuit riders and explorers are serving an absolutely critical role, delivering news to people who need it, long before the rest of us have caught on that it's important. Micropatronage, therefore, is a good thing"
Alex Steffen
Blindpainters Foundation - sponsor of the World in a Shell (WiaS) - is a not-for-profit organisation, registered in the Netherlands since 1994. Its aim is to produce milestone-setting projects against the backdrop of Art history.
10 years in the making, WiaS needs your patronage for its journeys to
people at Unesco World Heritage sites and in its adventure of cultural and
cross-pollination. Become a micropatron - any amount is helpful - and be a part of its history.
In the future we will list all our Patrons on this page. |